Top 10 Reasons For Oprah 2020

Nick Haby
5 min readJan 8, 2018
(Oprah Winfrey,

The 75th Annual Golden Globes Awards aired last night and broadcast one of the most iconic moments in awards show history: Oprah Winfrey’s Cecile B. DeMille Award acceptance speech. It was historic. It was inspiring. It was powerful. IT WAS OPRAH.

Oprah’s speech encapsulated the night’s motif of the “Time’s Up” movement. All of the females in attendance wore black to show their support. Some of the women and men wore “Time’s Up” pins. The message at the Globes was to show everyone around the globe that women deserve gender equality in all aspects of life — across races and workplaces. For the men who have taken advantage of their power and have exploited women, their reign is over. Oprah made it official when she boisterously declared, “A new day is on the horizon!”

After watching her speech, one couldn’t help but wonder, is she gearing up for a 2020 run for president? Could Oprah Winfrey be the first woman president? Here are my top 10 reasons why she should run.

  1. Her Leadership Style. Oprah was born with the gift of connecting with people. On the Oprah Winfrey Show, which lasted over two decades, she connected not only with her guests but was able to inspire and captivate her audience. What made her such a success is her ability to listen. She would listen to people’s stories and their problems and offer them guidance, hope, and solace. If she were to become president, she would lead with her heart. This is the type of leadership our deeply divided country needs now more than ever.
  2. Her Story. Oprah is the living embodiment of the American Dream. She was born to an unwed teenage mother, grew up in rural America, landed a show on television, and became a self-made billionaire. Oprah is a true rags to riches story. One of Oprah’s admissions that has defined her life story is getting molested by family members as early as nine years old. Sadly, in today’s world, this is not an infrequent type of admission. For the unfortunate of population of women (and men) who have been taken advantage of in that way, Oprah’s story could heal them and give them hope. Her story (and victory as president) would serve as the triumphant happy ending we are all looking for.
  3. Her Qualifications. Okay, so Oprah is no Hillary Clinton, but that doesn’t mean she can’t run. After Trump’s victory, we officially saw a shift in the electorate’s thinking in what “qualifies” as “presidential.” Someone with literally no political background, knowledge, or respect for office has been “leading” the country for almost a year now. Oprah, being an establishment outsider herself, could use this new way of thinking to her advantage. Is she qualified? She’s Oprah. Enough said.
  4. Her Star Power. Oprah is a fixture in American entertainment. Her career in daytime television gave her a huge platform and millions of loyal fans. She even started her own television network, O.W.N. With over 30 years of experience in entertainment, she became known for her warm and generous image. It’s virtually impeccable. Everyone loves Oprah! Should she consider running, she’d have a huge following from the start.
  5. Her Vision. Oprah is the eternal optimist. She is the type of person who knows exactly what to say during our darkest hours. As a powerful speaker, her speeches and monologues drive home that vision of hope and joy. The themes she presented in her Cecile B. DeMille Award acceptance speech showed us just that. Much like how President Obama unified the country with his vision of hope and change, Oprah Winfrey should follow his lead with that type of vision.
  6. Her Compassion. One of the great virtues of public service is the compassion and selflessness put forward for the greater good. Oprah makes it a point to be selfless. Her big heart and big bank account have been overwhelmingly generous to people around the world. She’s amazing when it comes it to that. At time when America is fighting social justice and economic inequality, Oprah would prioritize these issues and tie them into her agenda.
  7. She’s the Democrats’ Best Chance. The rift in the Democratic Party hurt the party’s chances to unify and even show up to the polls in 2016. This devastating blow will haunt the party for years. With Oprah, however, she’d be the perfect pick to bring both sides together. Although she supported Hillary as candidate, her values are closely aligned with Bernie’s. She has no dubious ties to Wall Street and she’s not a part of the establishment. Oprah has the power to connect people from both sides, all walks of life, and get them to the polls!
  8. She’s Black, and She’s a Woman. Well we already know a black man can win the presidency. We saw a woman lose the presidency. Will Oprah be the one to break the glass ceiling? As the Democratic Party steers toward new diverse leadership at the local level, it would be a amazing to see this in our next president. Over 50% of America’s population is women. The most loyal voting bloc for the Democratic Party is black women. Oprah would be truly representative of the new face of the Democratic Party. If Oprah were to run, this could be an historic moment of firsts for the country.
  9. She Could Beat Trump. What is the opposite of a selfish, egotistical, unintelligent, childish, racist white man? It’s a generous, selfless, humble, strong black woman! Who wouldn’t want to see these two billionaires go head to head? Oprah’s strengths are Trump’s weaknesses. Oprah listens and leads with her heart. Trump does not listen and does what best suits himself. Oprah is temperamentally fit. Trump is not. Oprah avoids conflict. Trump creates conflict — even thrives on it. While Trump has become one of the most hated figures in America, Oprah sure is one of the most beloved. Trump would have very few, if any, lines of attack to throw at Oprah during the campaign trail or even during a debate. Meanwhile, Oprah could just say any of the following words, and he’d have to answer for it: Russia, Healthcare Bill, Tax Bill, North Korea, and Charlottesville. Oprah could beat Trump in a landslide.
  10. She’s What America Needs. Oprah is everything America needs. She can unite the country. She can restore our reputation in the world. She can lead with an open mind. She can negotiate. She would be fair. She can be trusted. She wouldn’t use a private email server. She would end poverty and hunger. She would give us all healthcare. She would keep us out of war. She would keep us out of nuclear war. She can keep her hands to herself when meeting members of the opposite sex. She would make America proud. She is Oprah. She’s what we need. Period.



Nick Haby

Marketing by day. Politics by night. Digital Marketer. Organizer.